Hafnium (Lat. Hafnium) is less abundant than gold and platinum. It is renowned for its corrosion resistance, high melting point, and ability to absorb substantial quantities of radiation. Hafnium is a highly effective conductor of both heat and electricity, with a melting point of 2227°C and a boiling point of 4603°C.
Hafnium (chemical symbol Hf) is employed in the manufacture of control rods for nuclear power reactors due to its capacity to absorb significant ammounts of radiation. Incorporation of hafnium particles into various metal alloys enhances the corrosion resistance of the resulting materials. The combination of hafnium and titanium is a popular choice in the manufacture of devices used in the aerospace industry.
A wide range of surgical implants and prostheses use hafnium because of its corrosion resistance and biocompatibility with the human body. Additionally, small quantities of this element are employed in the fabrication of electronic components, including capacitors and transistors. However, the quantity of hafnium used in these applications is so small that the retail processing of electronic products to extract this specific metal would be very unprofitable action.