Metal recycling and recovery

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Gruodžio 5, 2019

Although the start of the week looked rather stressful, prices for all metals, except copper, increased. There is a strong likelihood that values will recover further in the last weeks of this year (source: However, the economic and political turmoil in major global markets must be borne in mind, which has a considerable impact on the unpredictability of precious metal prices.
Gold is priced at $ 1477.45 an ounce this week. says that investors are increasingly investing in gold. Still, believes that yellow metal is not a very profitable investment right now, but a more secure investment. What gold prices can be expected in the 2020? It is not expected to rise above $ 1,550 an ounce (source:
White metal price rose $ 17.17 an ounce. The US-China trade war is having a significant impact on silver value - experts feared that the drop in metal prices this week would not rise to $ 17 an ounce (source: Both silver and gold are not scarce metals - safe stocks also help keep their prices steady (source: Reviewers believe the value of silver will continue to rise to $ 17.30 an ounce (source:
Palladium is breaking records every week - currently rising to $ 1856.5 an ounce (source: Platinum costs $ 910.5 an ounce. Car sales continue to decline globally, but major countries are increasingly focusing on electric vehicles. China’s plan: by 2025 electric cars would account for 25% of total car sales (including petrol and diesel cars) (source: This is only China – other big countries are also planning to increase electric vehicle sales to its citizens. says that this time frame is still good for both platinum and palladium investments, but as the sustainable car era approaches, metal prices will fall.
The price of platinum is expected to increase in the near future, as this metal is still in short supply (source: Palladium is expected to cost as much as $ 2,000 an ounce (source:

The steady rise in the price of copper has come to an end - the metal is currently priced at $ 5857.68 a tonne. Workers' strikes in the world's major mines, the US-China trade war have a negative impact on the value of copper. It is important to add that the future popularity of electric cars can have a positive impact on the price of the metal (source: