Metal recycling and recovery

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Rugsėjo 28, 2022

All precious metals fell again this week, some even significantly. Volatility in metal prices is becoming more pronounced, with investors even losing interest in some metals (source: This week, the strongest influence on the fall in the values of precious metals was the strengthening of the US dollar (source: For now, it is difficult to predict whether metal prices will recover at the end of the year.
The price of gold fell to $1,627.17 an ounce. says that with the US dollar rising at such a rapid rate, the value of gold is doing the opposite - it is falling. Experts warn that in some markets, investor interest and confidence in gold as a safe investment in difficult economic times is disappearing (sources:, However, such a trend is not visible everywhere. For example, China's gold imports are now at their highest level in four years (source:
Silver is entering another volatile period this week with its price (source: It is currently trading at $18.43 an ounce. Like the yellow metal, silver's decline is heavily influenced by the rise in the US dollar (source: says that when the price of the white metal falls below the $19.2 an ounce, it is a sign to sell it. However, when the price of the metal falls, others do the opposite, increasing their stockpiles.
Palladium fell to $2,064 an ounce. Platinum is also keeping up with this week's trends, currently trading at $857 an ounce. Volatility for both of these metals is natural with the supply chain being disrupted while there is a war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia are held (source: says that platinum is volatile again and could fall even lower.
China has seen a significant increase in demand for new cars this year, but production in China and Japan has fallen not only because of metal shortages, but also because of the ongoing semiconductor chip crisis (source:

Copper has fallen sharply this week, currently trading at $7,290.25 a tonne. However, China's demand for copper is not decreasing - on the contrary, it is growing rapidly, especially compared to other markets (source: Therefore, it should not be surprising if the price of the metal recovers a little.